
New Swanson showhome opens!

Swanson showhome opens

Our Auckland branch has just opened their newest showhome showcasing sustainability, safety and universal design features. From thermally sealed FSC wood and solar panels to X pod insulated slab and use of thermal mass it also boasts APL’s newly released flush entry door system – and you’ll see it here first! The kitchen is the epitome of ergonomic design – from a side opening oven to user friendly WELs rated taps, and sustainably sourced cabinetry veneers.

The bathrooms feature Lifemark rated grab rails, flush shower entry and slip resistant tiles for extra safety. The whole home includes wide door entries and turning space for wheelchairs, low door handles and light switches and contrasting colour scheme for those who are visually impaired..and MUCH more. 

Call in at 10 Patrick Rice Drive, Birdwood Heights to view and chat to the Design & Build team.